Marissa and Ken share some of the habits and resources that you should use in order to achieve your goals this year. They also share some of their own Q1 goals.

224. Kickstart 2024 with Marissa & Ken: Essential Planner Tips for a Successful Year
Marissa and Ken each share their top 3 tips for achieving success with the Full Focus Planner. That’s 6 simple actions that you can take to take control of your year. How cool is that?

223. Christmas Morning with Marissa & Ken ❤︎
Marissa & Ken pop into the podcast feed to wish you a Merry Christmas, banter about favorite gifts, and to put one eye on this crucial week between Christmas and New Year’s Day as you start refining your 2024 goals.

222. Using an Annual Review to Power Your Way Into 2024
Marissa and Ken talk you through completing an annual review to set yourself up your best year ever. Also, the crew debates the merits of the rituals of the rich and famous.

221. The Beginner’s Guide to Goal Setting
Marissa and Ken talk you through all of the basics of writing great goals that will set you up for success.

220. Confessions of a Reluctant Goal Setter
Marissa’s mom, Gail, stops by the show to share what it’s like to not be a goal setter in a family that literally wrote the book on goal setting.

219. Marissa & Ken Finish Answering Your Questions!
After running long in part one, Marissa and Ken finish answering listener questions directly from the Full Focus Planner Community on Facebook.

218. Marissa & Ken Answer Your Questions!
Marissa and Ken take questions directly from listeners like you!

217. Thanks-Living: 4 Ways Gratitude Can Transform Your Life
Marissa and Ken explore the value of gratitude in your life before fighting about their favorite Thanksgiving dishes.

216. Journaling For The Reluctant Journaler (That’s You.)
Marissa talks Ken (and Nick) through the benefits of journaling – especially for the person who doesn’t consider themself a “journal person”.