36. The Note-Taking Method for Taking Action
You pride yourself on being a high achiever. But that means tracking a ton of information, and that’s hard to do. You come out of a meeting with only one to-do item, but you forget what it is. You made a note on your tablet, but where is it? Evernote? Google Docs? Word? It’s super frustrating. Why is it so hard to keep track of all those little things?
After thousands of hours in meetings, we’ve devised the perfect way to capture key information for easy retrieval. And it works in other settings too! Follow these three steps, and you’ll never forget an action item again!
You can leave every meeting and end every day with no worry about forgetting something important. You’ll have perfect confidence that everything that needs to be done has been done.
In this episode, you’ll discover—
- How to capture information so you don’t miss important details or let people down.
- The value of intentional inconvenience, and how you can implement it to increase effectiveness.
- Suggestions for how to code your notes for followup.
- What to do with your notes after you finish taking them.
- How to use the Index in the Full Focus Planner to keep up with scattered notes.