One planner user shares his journey into the Full Focus System, where he is now, and what’s next.
Category: Full Focus Planner
196. “It’s not just me!”: We Answer Your Questions
Blake and Verbs tackle some great questions directly from the Full Focus Planner Community.
194. Running a Business with the Full Focus Planner
If running a business was easy, then everybody would do it. However, being a business owner means juggling a seemingly endless array of tasks with endless deadlines. In today’s episode, Blake and Verbs share three ways that the Full Focus System takes the complicated life business owner life and provides clarity and peace of mind.
183. Remember Why You Started
The “messy middle” is a place where we’ve come too far to go back but we can’t yet see what’s up ahead – and it’s normal. In fact, if you haven’t hit the messy middle yet, you probably will soon.
The messy middle is typically where we feel we’ve hit the end of our own resources. It’s at this moment that you have to start getting creative and asking for help. But the most important resource in the messy middle is motivation. And that’s at the heart of what we’re talking about today.
Blake, Courtney, and Verbs talk about two reasons that it is important to remember why you started. After that, Courtney speaks with Full Focus Planner Certified Pro, Valeria Gray. They talk about how she uses the Full Focus System with her clients and offers some tips that you can use right away.
For more information on how you can work with Valeria, visit
To find other FFP Certified Pros like Valeria, visit
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181. Using Your Enneagram Type to Maximize Your Planner
We break down every Enneagram personality type and how you can leverage the planner to achieve your best results.
180. Build Your Plan: Weekly Preview Pt. 3
Courtney and Verbs talk you through three important elements that will help you get your week set up for success. Also, Courtney flips the tables on Nick and gives him a quiz about the history of goal setting.
179. Better Together: Involve People to Boost Goal Achievement
Blake, Courtney, and Verbs offer three common confessions that you can share with your community to help you achieve your goals. Also, Courtney answers a question from the Full Focus Planner Community.
178. Change Your Mindset & Accomplish Your Goals
Megan Hyatt Miller, CEO of Full Focus, drops by to explain why your mindset is maybe the most important element of achieving your goals.
177. Avoid Repeating Mistakes: Weekly Preview Pt. 2
Courtney and Verbs talk you through the four questions of the After Action Review and provide both the rationale and some helpful tips to help you get the most out of filling it out.
176. What Matters This Week?: Weekly Preview Pt. 1
Courtney and Verbs share three considerations that you should use when setting your Weekly Big 3. Also, Nick and Courtney talk about a potential daily task that can be a pain point for almost everybody: planning and making dinner every night.