222. Using an Annual Review to Power Your Way Into 2024
Shakespeare once said, “What’s past is prologue.” Basically, the past is just the beginning of what comes next. There is, perhaps, no other moment when that is more clear than at the end of the calendar year. While it is tempting to simply start making new goals for 2024, it’s important to stop and make sense of what happened in 2023. That look back is how we learn and grow.
In this episode, Marissa and Ken talk you through completing an annual review to set yourself up your best year ever. Also, the crew debates the merits of the rituals of the rich and famous.
Watch Marissa’s reaction to Ken’s cartoon preferences here: https://youtu.be/kUa3tjm77eQ
Don’t forget that Marissa and Ken are your hosts for ‘Your Best Year Ever Live’! Grab your free ticket by getting the Full Focus Goal Setting course. Check it out at www.fullfocus.co/goalsetting.
And hey, join our gang of over 30,000 Full Focus Planner folks on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ffpthinktank.