Focus On This Podcast

197. Dedication Diaries: One Planner User’s Story



Chuck is the kind of guy we all want to be. He’s kind, caring, and funny. But, despite his achievements, Chuck always felt like he wasn’t organized enough to achieve the goals that he set for himself. Then, after taking a new job in 2018, a colleague and friend of Chuck gave him a Full Focus Planner. After that, he dove straight into the entire Full Focus System including setting a life plan for himself. The results he achieved weren’t just felt by him but his family and colleagues also noticed the difference. When he was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, Chuck used the Full Focus System to keep that under control.

In this episode, Chuck Sullivan speaks with Nick about his journey into the Full Focus System, where he is now, and what’s next. It’s the story of one person finding clarity through the planner and it’s the kind of story that we hear about all of the time at Full Focus. We felt it was time to feature one on the podcast.

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