140. Let’s Brainstorm: How Do I Reward Myself?
Setting a goal and then achieving it often feels like a reward in and of itself. But, it’s important that you take the time to celebrate your accomplishments. Today, Courtney and Verbs help Producer Nick fill out the “Your Reward” section of his Full Focus Planner. Along the way, you’ll learn about the five principles to setting exciting and motivating rewards.
In this episode, you will learn –
- How to leverage members of your family and community to help celebrate your wins
- Why it’s important to establish a reward in the first place
- How a goal reward can be a great opportunity for generosity
- What a “Small Rewards Bank” is
- A fun fact about narwhals
Watch this episode on the Full Focus YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/69tA6UVQ_Rc
For more, visit www.focusonthispodcast.com.
Episode Transcript
Nick Jaworski: I remember, because it was the ’80s, when people would whisper to you. They’d go, “Hey, did you know wrestling’s not real?” It wasn’t clear to us. We were so stupid, back then. We didn’t know.
And I was like, “No, it’s real.” And then eventually, you figure it out.
Verbs Boyer: Yeah. But at some point it wasn’t even about the wrestling. It was all about the interviews and the storylines in between that were… Which is that’s what captivated you was seeing those interviews with me, Jean, and the Hulk. And it’s like, “That’s what you got into.” Because you were like, “Oh man, this guy he’s about to get it. He’s going to get the smack down. I can’t wait for WrestleMania.”
Courtney Baker: If you didn’t know Nick, that wrestling wasn’t real still you as an adult, someone opened that and you were-
Verbs Boyer: Hey.
Courtney Baker: … Your whole world had been crashed.
Nick Jaworski: Okay. Can I tell you this is a-
Verbs Boyer: Those people are out there.
Nick Jaworski: … 100% true story from… It may not have been this December, but it was maybe the one before that. But very, very recently I am well into my adulthood, everybody. We were watching the movie Elf great movie. And if you may recall, elf lives up in the north pole and he has to go find his real dad, down in New York City. And when he leaves to go… I’m so embarrassed I’m telling the story, when he leaves, he says goodbye to the Narwhal, the Narwhal pops up. And he says like, “Good luck finding your dad.” And my 12 year old said something like, “Oh, did you know the Narwhal horn is a tooth.” Or something. I don’t know. I don’t even know what it is. And I quietly pulled my phone out, and I’m Googling and I Googled are Narwhals real. And, I thought that they were aquatic unicorns this whole time.
Courtney Baker: Yeah.
Nick Jaworski: They look but they’re not, they’re real.
Courtney Baker: It’s very true. And especially now, because we treat them like unicorns, they’re on every kid book. There is sometimes where you’re like, “Wait, that’s real though. Right?” Right?
Verbs Boyer: Yeah.
Courtney Baker: Because you hear of people that don’t even know that unicorns aren’t real. So, Nick you’re joining us early on in the episode one because we’re chatting about Narwhals, but rumor on the street has it that you need a little advice, which is my favorite episodes. When we get to use ourselves, as I was about to say test dummies maybe that’s because we’re having so many nineties references-
Verbs Boyer: Guinea pigs.
Courtney Baker: … But Guinea pigs in the lab here.
Verbs Boyer: Yeah. I don’t know if that’s better, but.
Nick Jaworski: Yeah. As the producer of this show, I will go onto the full focus planner community and will find show ideas from posts or comments. And, I honestly don’t remember who said it, but it’s come up a bunch of times where people say, “What do I write under the, your reward section, when I’m setting a goal.” And when I saw that I went and looked at my planner and said, “I don’t have any of mine filled out.” Which hasn’t always been the case. I used to be better at this, but I’ve lost the thread somehow. And I actually just started a new planner and knowing this was coming, I was like, “I’m not even going to try to fill up my goals.” So, today we’re going to talk about goals, the rewards, how to come up with a good reward for your goal. And then we’re going to help me come up with some rewards, which I am thrilled about.
Verbs Boyer: So, today we’re going to give you five principles to help guide you through setting your rewards and brainstorm a few of our own as well. So let’s get into it.
Nick Jaworski: Hey, real quick, this episode is brought to you by Michael Hyat’s training the goal achievement blueprint, seven steps to unlock your power to banish overwhelm and build the life you want. And, if you already know that this training is for you, go to training.fullfocus.co/blueprint right now, because you need to do it now because the trainings are next week. But if you are not convinced that you want to transform your life, please check in with me later in the show during our mid roll. And I will give you more details on the goal achievement blueprint, but don’t wait for that. Go to training.fullfocus.co/blueprint right now.
Verbs Boyer: Welcome to another episode of Focus On This, the most productive podcast on the internet. So you can banish distractions, get the right stuff done. And finally start loving Mondays. I’m Verbs here with Courtney Baker, happy Monday to you Courtney.
Courtney Baker: Happy Monday and also joining us is our producer, Nick-
Verbs Boyer: Big hand.
Courtney Baker: … Also known as the Narwhal disbeliever, Jaworski.
Speaker 4: Sit down, have a seat.
Verbs Boyer: Standing ovations, all over the stadium.
Courtney Baker: What I love is obviously-
Verbs Boyer: Nick Jaworski.
Courtney Baker: … Nick has control over all those sound effects. It was the most obnoxious cheering that just kept going on. That has got to be an Ingram for with a three wing people.
Nick Jaworski: No, I’m just excited to be here anytime that we can help solve my problems and I get paid for it. That’s a real win.
Courtney Baker: True.
Verbs Boyer: Yeah. That’s the triple win right there.
Nick Jaworski: Yeah.
Verbs Boyer: So as we mentioned at the beginning Nick, you are our test subject for the day as we walk through a few guiding principles to help fill out those gold detail pages completely, especially once you get to the reward section. So there’s a few principles we’re going to walk you through. One of them is just to try goal related rewards, that’s principle number one. Principle number two is to create celebratory experiences. Principle number three is involve your community. Principle number four is practice generosity. And principle number five that we’ll talk about is build a small rewards bank. So, all of those principles together will help us completely and totally fill out those gold detail pages.
Courtney Baker: Okay. So the first principle again is to try goal related rewards. This one is pretty straightforward and I think what we think about, it’s like, “Okay, if I’m going to run a marathon, I can get some new active wear from Vuori.” Or wherever your favorite place is to get new active wear-
Verbs Boyer: Marshalls.
Courtney Baker: … Or Marshalls. If your goal was to cook through an entire cookbook, maybe you get a new pan, or that Instagram tool set that you’ve been looking at. So pretty straightforward. It’s like, “Hey, if you hit the goal, then you reward yourself with a gift.” And I know for a lot of you listening, you may fall in my camp, which is you get in the rut of the goal itself being the reward. For me, I’m like, “Oh, I don’t need anything extra. Just the achievement.” Aura of achieving the goal is just so much reward in itself. But I will say even for people like me, it does give you a little… It almost causes you to celebrate it even more in a different way. So, Nick since you’re here, do you have any goals that you’re pursuing that you think maybe having a goal related reward would work well for?
Nick Jaworski: Well, I guess let me ask you first, do either of you either now or previously have examples of this for yourself?
Verbs Boyer: Yes. So I’ll say this because I think I fall in the same category. Most of the time as what Courtney just mentioned is, I feel like if I’m setting or framing the goal properly then the achievement of that goal is satisfactory enough. But I do agree with that caveat that it actually helps you celebrate it a little bit more. So with that being said, there are goals for some reason, just because I’m somewhat of a sneaker guy. I feel like all my goal rewards are attached to it.
Courtney Baker: Mm-hmm.
Verbs Boyer: Getting a new pair of sneakers regardless of what domain they fall in. Yeah. So, it’ll be if I remember one year I had a goal of… Well I ran a 5k, so the completion of that 5k was a pair of sneakers.
Courtney Baker: I love this idea. I think collectively as a tribe, a community that listens to this podcast, let’s just all do that. You know what I mean? Everybody gets new tennis shoes for any goal achievement. I think we would all be happier people, it would just be awesome.
Nick Jaworski: Full focus sneaks.
Courtney Baker: I think that’s a really good. Yes, I’m feeling a spinoff coming very shortly.
Verbs Boyer: Yes. It needs to be a thing.
Courtney Baker: I’m really not good at… I’m so future oriented that sometimes it’s hard for me to even remember all the goals and all the rewards without me bowling out my stack of players, start flipping through them.
Verbs Boyer: Wait, I’m sure you certainly, you would’ve had one… How did you acquire your Peloton set up? Was that a reward or that was just like, “I’m going to do it.” But are there any accessories that you may have-
Courtney Baker: Yes, I think-.
Verbs Boyer: … Rewarded yourself with?
Courtney Baker: … Yeah. I’m pretty sure when I finished my first challenge on the bike that I got some new gear that I was wanting. I do also like is when you’re married, if your spouse is pursuing a goal and their reward also helps you. So it’s also how we got our weight set was, he was pursuing a goal and then when he got it then we got the weight set. So just pro tip here, try to implement-
Verbs Boyer: Tag team those rewards.
Courtney Baker: … Your partner. Yeah, those rewards can help everybody involved. So yeah, that’s… Oh, you know what? I just remembered one specifically, and this is a great one. I can’t believe I forgot this. I had a big work goal that I was pursuing a couple of years ago and I really wanted this nice piece of art for my house, but it was more than what I would normally buy for myself. And so I set aside like, “Hey, if I get this work goal, I’m going to get this piece of art.” And, it still hangs in my dining room. I just, I loved it. And, so that was my reward. And as a nice reminder as I’m like in my house like, “Oh, that was something big and felt really hard at the time that I achieved.”
Nick Jaworski: Let me just throw out, I’ve got… I’m sorry everybody, I’m going to violate a key rule of the full focus system, but I do have four goals this quarter. But they are currently my only four goals of the year because I’ve started over. Quarter one did not go well, there’s a lot of stuff happening, and I just said, “I just have to have a quarter where I can really focus in and then quarter three then we’ll blow it up.” But, so without getting into too many specifics, but I’ll just put these in your brains. There is a goal for me, which is related to a new full focus project, which Courtney knows about at least. So that’s one would like to get done. There’s a income goal on our side.
Verbs Boyer: Now we wait. This is suspense.
Nick Jaworski: There’s an income goal on a monthly goal that I’d like to reach. That’s, I think pretty common for most people.
Courtney Baker: Mm-hmm.
Nick Jaworski: There is a tracking my calories goal, which I have had lots of success with in the past that I’d like to do as a habit goal for the next 90 days, track all those calories as they come in, I know that can be controversial for people, but it is just to create awareness.
Courtney Baker: Mm-hmm.
Nick Jaworski: It’s not even necessarily a restrictive situation. And then, I also have a spiritual practice goal of a weekly, during the pandemic we moved. And so, we really fell out. We didn’t have a place we were going or a practice that we were doing. And so it was really like, “Okay, now we can enter the world again and let’s go do stuff that contains things larger than ourselves. So take the family and every week we got to go to a different place.” And so, that’s been interesting and great so far, but those are the four things. Just so as we go through these that we can think about.
Hey, everybody, it’s editor Nick from the future. And I just need to pop in here real quick, because we just talked about me having four goals for this quarter. And we spent a lot of time talking about those four goals, particularly that fourth, one about a spiritual practice and long story short, we ended up just going with the first three for the quarter. I’m still doing the fourth one, but we didn’t really have time to play that out on the show. So just know that in the future of this episode, and we’re talking about the goals we’re talking about those first three, I needed to include this because I wanted everyone to know that Courtney specifically was not happy with this. So we got it started out, three goals per quarter two to three. And so just keep that in mind as we move forward.
Verbs Boyer: Principle number two, now this is one I actually did not really think too much about as far as the reasoning behind it, which we’ll get into. But principle number two is to create celebratory experiences. So, it’s just going from the realm out of the realm of, “Hey, let me purchase something to help me celebrate what I just accomplished or just something that will serve as a reminder.” But this is actually doing something to help underscore the accomplishment. So when it comes to rewards sometimes we’re more quick to imagine how we could add to what we have rather than thinking about experiences that we could create for ourselves. So, let’s consider those same goals that you mentioned earlier. So if your goal was to run a marathon, you could reward yourself by getting a massage, or a brand new pair of sneakers, or if your goal was to cook a stack of recipes, you could reward yourself by leveling up your skills in the cooking class and creating an experience around that accomplishment.
I think a lot of times for me, especially at the top of the year, when I’m framing these goals up, if I have 10 goals and then I have to attach a reward, that’s a purchase reward to each of those goals. I feel like I’m overdoing it a little bit, just because it’s all done at one time. But I like the fact that this creating a celebratory experience is giving another option of how to think about those rewards and how I want to underscore that accomplishment.
Courtney Baker: Yeah.
Verbs Boyer: So I do think with those other goals along the lines of what Courtney was saying is if there’s an experience maybe that can come out of the accomplishment of your revenue goal, that is family oriented, maybe it is the zoo, maybe it is a short travel somewhere. But that could be an experience that could help mark and celebrate that achievement.
Nick Jaworski: I love it. Have you guys ever taken a trip as a reward?
Verbs Boyer: Yes. Well, no, not as a reward. The trip was rewarding. The trip was rewarding.
Nick Jaworski: Was it the goal?
Verbs Boyer: I don’t know if I actually attached it to a goals. No, actually no, that’s what it was. Yes. Thank you for saying that. The goal was to just have a great family vacation that year because it had been so long since we’d actually been on one. So, that was the year we actually went to Disney World, so.
Courtney Baker: Yeah, that was an awesome trip. I love seeing the pictures from that trip Verbs. I think a lot of times, for example this year I have a goal for my husband and I to go on a 40th birthday trip. And that was the goal, but there have been other times where-
Nick Jaworski: Wait, how do you write the reward for that goal?
Verbs Boyer: Again, I don’t know if we’re using a cheat code on this, but in a goal, say with something that’s connect to a spouse, a relational goal, a reward is the benefit of actually not just the thing itself, but what comes out of doing accomplishing that goal? What does it do for that relationship? Can that be seen as a reward or experience that comes out of the achieving of the birthday trip? How does that bring you closer together as a couple? If we intentionally thought about it a little deeper, there’s other things that are not tangible for necessarily experiences, but their rewards or that benefit us from accomplishing that.
Nick Jaworski: I feel like we run into the trap a little bit. Right? I would be concerned because this is the problem with my goals or my rewards is that I go, “Well of course I set the goals because it has value to me of course.”
Verbs Boyer: Mm-hmm.
Nick Jaworski: But then I worry that if we… I could easily go, well of course more money is great. That’s the reward. Or of course-
Verbs Boyer: More cash won’t hurt.
Nick Jaworski: … Yeah. Of course, launching this other project that’s fun and good for business and good for whatever. So, that’s where I’ve always fallen into, but I do think especially the trip, especially with a spouse, probably that is a good space to say the reward is focused time, no stress time with this person so that we can rejuvenate and refuel. So I’ll allow it, that’s what I’m saying.
Courtney Baker: Yeah. Well I think we should continue on and then maybe at the end.
Verbs Boyer: Yeah.
Courtney Baker: And once you’ve got all the options come to-
Nick Jaworski: Yes.
Courtney Baker: … A conclusion, but I do love, I may love principal too. I think experiences are a lot of times the things that we remember the longest versus… I mean, I’m going against what I said earlier about sneakers. Sneakers are awesome, but you may not remember that’s those sneakers really, even four months from now [inaudible 00:19:45] sneaker yourself. Yeah. But, you may remember that night you went to the town over from you and had an experience or spent time with people. And so, I think that is maybe long term, has maybe even more value, more longevity.
Nick Jaworski: Procrastination, busyness, or plans with too many details. Any one of these can sabotage your attempts at achieving the life that you want? Well, the good news is that it’s never too late to make a different choice in today. You get to make a terrific one because next week, Michael Hyat is offering a 100% free training. That’s right, free. To help you understand the next best steps to accomplish what matters most. It’s called the Goal Achievement Blueprint, seven steps to unlock your power to banish overwhelm and build the life that you want.
In 90 minutes Michael will help you to lean in and take action that most people avoid. He’ll also teach you how to easily track your progress in a way that spurs positive forward motion. And of course, he’ll help you to be your best, even when there’s so much uncertainty in the world. Michael will help you to identify the next best steps, but not only that, he will help you to spot those very convincing, but ultimately wrong parts that can keep you living small. To sign up for your free 90 minute course with Michael Hyat, visit training.fullfocus.co/blueprint and sign up for a time.
Now these trainings happen next week. So make sure that you do not miss out in this amazing opportunity. If you’re in your car, then make a mental note. But if you’re not in your car, just go visit training.fullfocus.co/blueprint right now, and take this chance to get clarity for your goals and take this opportunity to transform your life. Visit training.fullfocus.co/blueprint right now.
Courtney Baker: Okay. So principle number three is to involve your community. So this is, we’ve actually even in the context of experience, we’ve already been talking about this. This is really just how to make celebration more fun. It’s adding other people, if you’re going to go, “Would it be fun for me right now with a toddler at home to go by myself away from a weekend?” Absolutely, it would be amazing. But in general trips are more fun with other people. Do I need to sleep an entire night? That would be awesome. That would be the best reward ever right now. But in general, having other people along with you on the reward it’s just more fun. And so, you can really think about what could you do together with either friends or your partner.
If I go back to our example of running a marathon and maybe you do a really special dinner with your friends who cheered for you during the race, that’s again a great way of adding community and an experience together. If we use our example of cooking through a cookbook completely. Maybe you celebrate by hosting a dinner party with your friends and use the recipes. That’s another way of bringing your community in. So, if you’re willing, you could even delegate the reward and let someone else surprise you. So that’s an interesting twist. So-
Nick Jaworski: Never heard of that before.
Courtney Baker: … Yeah. So you could say Nick, you could say to Verbs and I, “Hey guys, if I meet my revenue goal, I would like you to provide the reward.” Don’t do that again flip back to said statement about toddler, you may not get a very good reward right now, so don’t do that. But maybe someone that you really trust that would really be totally on board with helping you achieve this would be somebody that would be great. And so if my husband is listening, if you want to take on a reward for me and give me a night at a hotel by myself, that would be awesome. That really celebrate them in a really special way. What if somebody showed up Nick and they were like… I feel like you would love this. Or maybe you shouldn’t listen right now. Okay. You could show up to the airport and they could just hand you a ticket somewhere and you wouldn’t even know. And then it would have basically a place to go, all that stuff. Talk about a really great reward.
Nick Jaworski: That sounds amazing.
Courtney Baker: I’m raising the bar really high over here.
Nick Jaworski: I guess what we need is we need listeners to offer a free hotel spa package for Courtney and then another listener can offer Verbs a special pair of sneaks. I don’t know enough about them to tell you what that would be. And then someone can just show up with some tickets for me. That’d be great. We’ll put the PO box in the show.
Verbs Boyer: Lock it in.
Courtney Baker: Great idea.
Verbs Boyer: We’re talking about just the importance of involving our community, because again, I think even if you were someone like me, who would describe themselves as an introvert as far as how I recharge, just being starved from that from so long over the past two years, it’s like, “Oh, this is what I actually do like about being around others and experiencing having shared experiences with other people. It’s just the community aspect of it.” And so, I feel like that’s so important especially if it’s something that you worked hard at. You set it as a goal because it was something that you definitely wanted to get done or a hurdle that you wanted to overcome. And you’ve actually did the thing. What better way to remember and mark the occasion by celebrating with other people that are there to celebrate with you, for years you’ll remember that moment. And, you’ll also remember that whatever it took to accomplish that goal, being that it’s now complete, that you can do it again in some other domain or some other area of your life as well.
So principle number four is practice generosity. So one of the best rewards can actually be to treat someone else. I love this because it takes the focus just off of ourselves. Because we’re already struggling, like, “Ah, I got to write eight to 10 goals and I can connect rewards to each of those things. I got to buy myself stuff.” Well, this principal is telling you don’t actually have to buy anything for yourself. You can treat someone else. You could send anonymous flowers, you can cook for someone who hasn’t had a homemade meal in a long time, you can create a care package for someone who lives far away, maybe you know a college student that has been away from home for a while, or you can donate generously to maybe a nonprofit that you care a lot about just to help out that cause. So, I love this one, because again, I think I could do this more easily than just thinking about something to reward myself with, but I think there’s a reward that’s built into this as well.
Courtney Baker: I love this one and I don’t think this is one that I have ever really used personally. And I think that’s a really fun one to leverage. Especially if you have a really specific organization that you work with, or I have a friend that did something really creative for one of her birthdays, she actually mailed out… I think it was $20 bills, I think it was for her 50th. She mailed out 50 $20 bills. And in them she asked everybody to do something generous with that money in their community. So it was just this really creative way of how could planting a small seed actually grow fruit all over her community. And so I thought that was a really neat way to do that. It might be something that you all could use as a goal reward.
Verbs Boyer: And it follows those lines of on a Facebook you might have a donate your birthday button to whatever your favorite cause is.
Courtney Baker: Mm-hmm.
Verbs Boyer: Say, “Hey guys, don’t give me anything, whatever you were thinking about getting me or whatever you wanted to spend, as a gift, put this towards this organization to help them out.
Courtney Baker: Yeah. And I mean, I love that. A lot of times with when you run a marathon or you do some activity like that, there is a way to raise donations, but that basically you could say like, “Hey, I have been pursuing this goal for a long time. If you would like to celebrate with me, this is how you could join me.” So it’s like, “You’re able to be generous, but you’re also able to bring your community along with you.” So again, we’re doing really good. I would like to commend us on our combination of principles here. We’re knocking that out of the park. Look at me celebrating us.
Nick Jaworski: So I love this one. Didn’t really think of this necessarily, but I’ve already without getting any specifics. I have written a goal on one of the ones that we-
Verbs Boyer: Yeah.
Nick Jaworski: … While you were talking Verbs.
Verbs Boyer: Wait a reward or a goal?
Nick Jaworski: A reward, sorry, a reward. And-
Verbs Boyer: Okay,
Nick Jaworski: … This is a good example.
Courtney Baker: We’re not going more goals. We got to go less goals or we’re going to be… People are going to make us quit this far. They’re going to be like, “Y’all, can’t lose that. Y’all allowed him to have four goals in a quarter.”
Nick Jaworski: No. So I know that generosity towards our community and toward, I love all those ideas, but immediately we talked about, if you set a goal for someone else, I’m looking at my revenue goal over the next quarter. And some things I want to do for me to be able to… And don’t spoil this, anybody, but for me to be able to do something nice for my wife, as the result of hitting this, it really fits in with why you want money at all. So it really, it comes full circle. So I wrote something down there. So, that’s a check plus for a reward.
Courtney Baker: I love that. I love that because so many times, we do not achieve our goals in a silo by ourselves. You to hit that revenue goal that you’re striving to hit. I’m sure your wife is part of that and supporting you in I’m sure a whole host of different ways. So, the ability to be able to have a reward that actually rewards you in probably multiple ways, but also rewards her is a really powerful tool.
Okay. So principle five, build a small rewards bank. You actually have lots of great ideas for rewards. You probably just don’t keep track of them. I think all the time, this happens to me on Instagram where I’m like, “oh, that’s really cool.” Or like, “I love that idea.” Like, “Ooh, yeah I wonder how we could do that.” So, rather than just having those thoughts and letting them pass, or just pining away for that piece of art that you want start making a list. This is a great idea for the audio. I keep I’ve done this twice on the episode, where I’m covering my mouth, I’m whispering, but it doesn’t come through on audio. This is a good place. If you’re not using your index, you could actually use that section as a rewards, idea list.
And it can really include, It could be small things, even upgrades or purchases. You just wouldn’t normally make, maybe it’s some expensive coffee or a non-essential kitchen utensil, it’s that air fryer you’ve been eyeing for a really long time. Over time, you’re just going to have a really nice list so that when you are thinking of a new goal, you can just turn to that page and be like, “Oh yeah, that pair of shoes is that I’ve really been wanting.” So again, these are just small things that you’re going to list so that you don’t have to think. And then at Christmas time too, just flip back to that reward list, send it to your friend’s, parents, spouse. You’re all set. Okay. So Nick, you’ve already got one reward. It sounds set.
Nick Jaworski: Let me to close the loop a little bit on some of these other more full-fledged uncontroversial goals, which if we remove the other one means it’s three for the quarter.
Courtney Baker: Mm-hmm.
Nick Jaworski: I’ve already expressed the revenue goals to be attached to something for my wife and this-
Courtney Baker: Yeah love that.
Nick Jaworski: … For focus project one, which is, both professional, but really just a thing that I’m very… It’s fulfills all of the requirements for goal undoubtedly it’s risky, it’s exciting, it’s whatever. I will, using the small rewards bank idea I do have it’s… Don’t make fun of me. It is a very particular vintage pencil that I would like to buy.
Courtney Baker: Yes.
Nick Jaworski: And what I like about it.
Courtney Baker: Oh my gosh, yes.
Nick Jaworski: Is that it does connect to a pencil something that you create with, and it is something that you use in that way to make things. So it connects to that. I think very naturally, which is nice.
Courtney Baker: Can you please post a link in the show notes. And also-
Nick Jaworski: No, because I have to but it. [inaudible 00:35:08].
Courtney Baker: … There’s only one of them?
Nick Jaworski: Well, they’re from 40 years ago. So I have to be very careful limited stock, I think anyone who knows pencils would know-
Courtney Baker: Everyone pulls over to search vintage pencil.
Verbs Boyer: Right.
Nick Jaworski: … Yeah. There’s car accidents all over America.
Verbs Boyer: Don’t go buy Nick’s pencil.
Nick Jaworski: And then for the calorie tracking one, it’s tough because I don’t want to connect necessarily food to it. That’s always the thing that is so tricky for me, but it probably is some sort of… It could be a dinner. I love making, I’ve been working on a ramen recipe for a couple years, since the pandemic started and I’ve always been like, “I can’t wait to have people over to serve everybody ramen, and do something like that.”
Verbs Boyer: Ooh I love that. Or a cooking class, or a new cookbook. I love both of those.
Nick Jaworski: Yeah. Because I’ve been wanting to do the ramen dinner thing for a while. It’s a lot of work. It’s fun, but it’s a lot of steps. And so, if I can go, “Hey, by July 1st, if I’ve done all this or whatever, then I’m going to throw my dinner.” That sounds great. We did it.
Courtney Baker: Yes.
Verbs Boyer: Boom.
Nick Jaworski: We did it.
Verbs Boyer: So the good news is you don’t have to skip the reward for your goal. You can come up with creative, exciting ways to celebrate your success by trying goal related rewards, creating celebratory experiences, involving your community, practicing generosity, and building a small rewards bank. So, I don’t know if we need any final thoughts.
Courtney Baker: Oh, I have one guys. I have a final thought-
Verbs Boyer: But I know you have one quick.
Courtney Baker: … I have one. I just frantically search and guys there are vintage lisa, Frank pencils out there, hold the phone.
Verbs Boyer: Oh.
Courtney Baker: I’m adding it to my small reward-
Verbs Boyer: My goodness.
Courtney Baker: … List. So PSA-
Verbs Boyer: That is awesome.
Courtney Baker: … To all of the organ trail millennials out there, they do exist, so.
Verbs Boyer: So thank you for joining us on focus on this. This is the most productive podcast on the internet. So don’t forget to share it with your friends. And don’t forget to join our full focus planner community right there on Facebook. We’ll be here next week with another great episode. But until then stay focus.
Nick Jaworski: Stay focus.
Courtney Baker: Stay focus.
Nick Jaworski: If you made it all the way to this ad at the end of the show, then you basically have to go to training.fullfocus.co/blueprint and sign up for Michael’s Goal Achievement Blueprint, seven steps to unlock your power to banish overwhelm and build the life you want. You just got to do it. You’re committed. You want to transform your life. You want to gain clarity. And so you just need to go to training.fullfocus.co/blueprint. There you go.